The StudentForm class
The StudentForm class extends
the JInternalFrame class. A
JInternalFrame object provides
many of the features of a native frame, including dragging, closing,
becoming an icon, resizing, title display, and support for a menu bar.
Generally, a JInternalFrame
is added to a JDesktopPane.
The constructor calls the setup method to create the necessary components.
The setup() method is used to
create a number of components and to get a remote reference.
The ButtonHandler Class
The ButtonHandler class implements
the ActionListener interface.
This class is an inner class used to handle action events generated
by buttons. When a user presses a button, the actionPerformed()
method is invoked. This method gets the object on which the event occurred
and calls the appropriate method.
The add() method
The add() method is invoked
when the user presses the "add" button. This method calls the remote
addRecord() method to add a
new record. Finally, the result returned by the server is displayed
in a dialog box.
The update() method
The update() method is invoked
when the user presses the "update" button. This method calls the remote
updateRecord() method to modify
a record. Finally, the result returned by the server is displayed in
a dialog box.
The delete() method
The delete() method
is invoked when the user presses the "delete" button. This method calls
the remote deleteRecord() method to delete a student record.
The clear() method
The clear() method is
invoked when the user presses the "clear" button. This method clears
the text in text fields.
The find() method
The find() method is invoked
when the user presses the "find" button. This method calls the remote
findRecord() method to find
a record. If a record is found, it is displayed.
The check() method
The check() method checks whether
the form is properly filled or not. The method returns a boolean
The fill() method
The fill() method is used to
fill data in the text boxes. The method takes a Student
object as its arguments.
The showMessageDialog() method
The showMessageDialog() method
is used to show a message dialog box with the specified message.
The source code for this example is over. In the next chapter, we
will create a DSN before running this program.