Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Explain the interaction between economic and non-economic environment of business. Illustrate your answer in the context of India's economic environment.
2 What do you understand by 'social responsibility' of business. explain various dimensions of social responsibility of business.
3 Explain the concepts of
a) monopolistic trade practices
b) restrictive trade practices
c) unfair trade practices under the MRTP Act 1969. Has India succeded
in preventing concentration of economic power through MRTP? Illustrate
with suitable examples.
4 Analyze in detail the implications of trade policy reforms implemented by India in the last decade.
5 Describe the overall impact of the industrial policy 1991 on India industry in general and technology status of Indian industry in particular.
6 "Economic reforms have failed on the front of social security" Do you agree with the above statement and why? What measures would you suggest to modify the reforms for achieving the goal of growth with social justice?
7. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Industrial sickness
(b) Administered prices
(c) Foreign investment and collaborations.