MS-03 Economic and Social Environment Test Papers

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note :There are two Sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. Section B is compulsory.


1. Describe the critical elements of politico–legal environment of business. Explain briefly the impact of this environment on business organisations, citing relevant examples.

2. While examining the institutional framework for small – scale industries (SSI), comment on their contribution to Indian economic development.

3. Critically analyse the achievements and adverse effects of regulatory framework in the course of lndia's Industrialisation

4. Analyse the trade policy reforms implemented by India in the 90s. What are its implications in enhancing India’s competitiveness in the international market?

5. Bring out the distinguishing features of Industrial Policy1991 and its impact on the technology status of Indian


6. Briefly describe the Indian financial system and analyse the significance and need for financial reforms.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Environment Movement
(b) Industrial Growth Experience
(c) Current Account Convertibility
(d) Economic Reforms and Employment.

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