Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from Section A.
(ii) Section B is compulsory.
1. If you were the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a firm, how would you explain the workings, benefits and limitations of different client sewer arrangements that could be used by a computing firm?
2. Define MIS. What are the main features of an MIS? Write a brief note to explain the evolution of MIS.
3. Explain how IT can elevate a customer to the position of a king or queen. Why are information systems critical to sales order processing and related business processes?
4. Java is not a 100% pure object oriented language. Do you agree or not? Justify your answer.
5. How can you use the Web as a data source for your data-warehouse? What types of information can you get from the Web? Explain briefly the steps needed to ensure that only good quality, reliable data is loaded into the data warehouse from the Web.
6. Lance Eliot made the following comment in Al Expert (1994) "When you log on to the network, a slew of agents might start watching. If you download a file about plant life, a seed company agent might submit your name for a company mailing. Besides sending junk nails, such spying agents could pick up your habits and preferences and perhaps make assumptions about your private life. It could note what days you get onto the system, how long you stay on, and what part of the country you live in. Is this an invasion on your privacy? Should legislation prevent such usage of intelligent agents? Perhaps a network police (more intelligent agents) could enforce proper network usage."
(a) Prepare arguments to support your perspective on this issue.
(b) Prepare counter arguments on the same issue.
7. Write short notes on :
(a) Digital Signatures - Future trends
(b) Genetic Algorithms
(c) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
(d) Garbage-in-garbage-out (GIGO)