MS-58 Management of R&D and Innovation Sample Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Answer all questions which carry equal marks.

1. "R&D is a learning process and helps in capability building." Explain the statement by citing relevant examples of firms/nations.


"Product design and development are inter-related." Explain. What kind of changes have taken place in the product development process over the years? Discuss.

2. What is technology portfolio analysis, and what steps are involved in the process? In what ways can it be helpful to a business entrprise?


Discuss the rationale behind partnership in innovation and R&D. Give some examples of agencies in different countries that facilitate partnering in innovation and R&D.

3. What special factors need to be considered in appraising performance of innovative persons? What management actions and behaviours are likely to curb the creativity of R&D personnel? Discuss fully.


Briefly discuss the various criteria that could be used for selection and evaluation of R&D projects. Give some examples in support of your answer.

4. Briefly describe with your comments, the fiscal incentives available to industry for R&D activity in India. What kind of an infrastructure, in terms of manpower, for R&D exists in India?


"There are several factors that need to be considered and evaluated before commercialising the technology of new products or processes." What are these factors or considerations? Explain.

5. What does management of Intellectual property rights include and why is it important to a business organization? Explain with suitable examples.


What new developments in the Intellectual property rights have taken place over the last decade that impinge upon India? Discuss with relevant examples.

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