Note: This paper consists of two sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. Section B is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What constitutes rural markets in India? Discuss the important dimensions of the rural market demographics and their implications for marketers of consumer durables
2. What are the major features in the problem recognition, information search and alternative evaluation process that as a marketer of utility products like cycles, you can expect in case of rural customers?
3. What are the factors that affect the product adoption process?
How would these factors determine the rate of adoption in the
rural market for products like:
(a) Easy-to-handle razors
(b) Battery operated TV sets
4. Explain the important communication concepts relevant to the rural markets. What is the significance of usage of symbols and pictures, colour and music in rural marketing communication? Discuss with suitable examples.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Hierarchy of markets for rural consumers
(b) Role of regulated markets or Mandis in rural distribution
(c) Place of purchase decision in the rural markets
(d) Thomson rural market index
(e) Impact of IT on the rural marketing practices
Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end of the case.
In a study conducted by ICICI it was found that:
(a) Critically evaluate the above rural retail scenario for
the marketer of consumer products.
(b) What implications does the above scenario have for the long
– term distribution system design of a multi–product
necessity Goods Company wanting to make a foray into the rural