MS 92 Management of Public Enterprises Sample Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: There are two Sections A and B.
Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions carry 20 marks each.
Section B is compulsory for all and carries 40 marks.

1. Discuss the impact of economic reforms on PEs since 1991.

2. 'Legislative control becomes one of the most important and effective methods of enforcing accountability, especially in the Indian context.' Elaborate and critically analyze the statement.

3. Briefly discuss the performance evaluation of the State Electricity Boards.

4. Discuss the various methods of disinvestment and the strategic issues involved in disinvestment process.

5. Write short notes on:

(a) Restructuring
(b) Leases
(c) Joint-ventures
(d) Corporate Governance in PEs


Read the passages and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Bharat Bharti Udyog Nigam Ltd,

It is holding company comprising seven subsidiaries in the eastern region including well known names like Burn Standard Co. Ltd., Jessop & Co. Ltd., and Braithwate & Co. Lid. Its 1990 - 91 sales turnover was Rs. 410 crores with a loss for the year of Rs. 10.90 crores
The company's objective as given in its 1991 – 92 MOU inter alia “is to achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction through timely supply of quality products and services". This was to be measured with reference to delivery/erection commitments of various products and services on a five-point scale with a weight of 10%.

Do you think that the company's objective is appropriate in the present context? Comment.

(b) Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd.
This old British Managing Agency house became a government company in 1979. It is a multi-unit, multi–product conglomerate with five subsidiaries and a gross turnover of Rs. 325 crores in 1990 - 91.

The company's MOU attached 5% weight to customer satisfaction measured with reference to liquidated damages and free rectification and replacement colt as a percentage of turnover. The
Company’s aim was to reduce it from 40% in 1990-91 to 36% in 1991-92. The company wanted its marketing efforts to be judged with reference to (i) total orders booked during the year, selling and marketing cost, and (iii) number of products launched, with an overall weight of 8%.

Comment on the marketing efforts of the company keeping in mind the customers’ perspective.

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