MS-94 Technology Management Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Attempt all questions which carry 20 marks each.

1. Explain the various stages of 'technology life cycle' and compare them with the stages of technological transformation. Analysis the stages of technological transformation in terms of technology content, etc.


The appropriateness of technology depends upon various factors. "Explain the various factors with suitable examples. If you were the technology advisor to a corporate house, what criteria for selection of appropriate technology would you suggest and why?

2. Why is technology forecasting necessary? Explain the need for technology forecasting under situations of (i) no control (ii) Partial control; and (iii) full control.


Explain and illustrate the process of technology generation. What particular aspects would you keep in mind while managing and monitoring R&D projects?

3. For building technological capability, absorption of acquired technologies from abroad is a must. Do you agree? If yes, why? Account for the reasons for poor record of absorption of most Indian business houses. What have been the barriers in technology absorption?


Differentiate between technology assessment and technology evaluation. What stages would the process of technology assessment go through? Explain.

4. As a manager incharge of the relevant function in a financial institution, what points/criteria would you like you keep in mind in evaluating R&D projects? Explain.


Why is technology information important? What key information. As part of technology information system would be required during pre-feasibility, feasibility, implementation, and plant operation stages?

5. Write short notes on any four of the following:

(a) Radical innovation and incremental innovation
(b) Delphi technique for technology forecasting
(c) Technology transfer routes
(d) Technology upgradation
(e) Technology policy instruments

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