Question 2: Explain the need of built-in functions in Visual Basic.
List out the various built in functions that are available in the
latest version.
(2 marks)
Question 3: Analyze the difference between Local, Module level, and Global Variables. Also explain how ActiveX DLLS are created.
Question 4: Discuss what constitutes proper code writing conventions in Visual Basic. Also write code in Visual Basic to find square root of a given number.
Question 5: Explain the Chart control and Grid control in Visual Basic.
Question 6: Create a form where the user can enter their name into a text box and have the name as output into a label in a different font and color.
Question 7: Build a form with two drop down lists (combo boxes type 0), one for country name and the other for the name of the President/Head of the countries. When this form is loaded fill the lists from the arrays. If the user pulls down one of the lists and clicks on a country the name of corresponding country President/Head is displayed in the text box of the other list.
Question 8: Create an application with 2 small picture boxes and one large picture box. Each of the small picture box has a radio button. When a radio button is selected, the corresponding image for that picture box gets placed in the large picture box and a Level is generated with the caption of the selected picture just below the large picture box.
Question 9: Generate a list (use an array of appropriate dimensions) including name, given name and course and address of 10 students consecutively numbered. Generate a program, which prints all information of the students on request of a number (1 to 10).
Question 10: Create a form with a picture box. Find some interesting pictures. Use a timer control to cycle the pictures every 2 seconds. The form should close when the picture is clicked.