Q. 1. (a) Write four differences between each of the following :
(i) Router and Gateway
(ii) Ring topology and Star topology
(b) What are communication channels in Networking ? List two transmission media. Further, describe any two such features of each that the other one does not have.
(c) Write a step-by-step procedure to do the following activities
in WINDOWS-95 :
(i) Add/Remove applications
(ii) Controlling Access to files, folders
(iii) To record, play and edit sound files
(d) Write one feature and one use of each of the following in MS-WORD
: (6)
(i) Template Wizards
(ii) Macros
(iii) Tab stops
Q.2. (a) Explain two differences between multiprogramming and multitasking. Also give an example each of a multiprogramming and a multitasking operating system.
(b) What are four measures that one should take to ensure that data does not get corrupted ? Also, mention three measures needed for providing physical security to the computer systems.
Q.3. (a) Write a step-by-step procedure to set up a Screen Saver for WINDOWS. Also, mention how to set up a selected wallpaper for the desktop of WINDOWS.
(b) Write a step-by-step procedure to create a simple presentation using the POWERPOINT package whose slides include a title page (slide), a figure, bulleted text, a bar-graph and an organisation chart.
Q.4. (a) Write the characteristics of RISC architecture.
(b) What is cryptanalysis? Explain the steps involved in cryptanalysis. Further give one example each of random data and non-random data.