Q. 1. Define the following terms:
- Range
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Mean Deviation
(i) Range
Ans. Range is the difference between the value
of the smallest item and the value of the largest
item included in the distribution. Range = L - S
L = Largest item
S = Smallest item
Coefficient of Range = (L - S)/(L + S)
(ii) Standard Deviation
Ans. Standard deviation measures the absolute
dispersion or variability of a distribution. It is
denoted by s.
(iii) Variance
Ans. Variance is the average squared deviations
from the arithmetic mean. It is denoted by s2.
(iv) Mean Deviation
Ans. It is the average difference between the
items in a distribution from the median or mean of
the series. The mean deviation is also known as the
average deviation.