Q. 16. The probability that a certain kind of component will survive a given shock test is 3/4. Find the probability that exactly two of the next four components tested will survive. (Jan. 2001, Dec. 2000, June 2000)

Solution. Here n = 4, x = 2, p = 3/4
q = 1 - p
or q = [1- (3/4)]
or q = 1/4
Using Binomial Distribution
P[X = x] = (nCx) X (px) X (qn - x)
P[X = 2] = (4C2) X (3/4)2 X (1/4)2
= 0.21
Hence, the required probability is 0.21.

Q. 17. Let X be the number of 1's obtained in 15 throws of an unbiased dice. Find its mean and variance. (June 2001)

Solution. X is a binomial variance with p = 1/6, q = [1 - (1/6)] = 5/6, and n = 15
Mean = n X p
or Mean = 15 X (1/6) = 2.5

Variance = n X p X q
or Variance = 15 X (1/6) X (5/6) = 2.09
Therefore, mean = 2.5 and variance = 2.09.

Q. 18. The average number of radioactive particles through a counter during 1 milli second in a laboratory experiment is 3. What is the probability that five particles enter the counter in a given millisecond? (Dec. 2001)

Solution. Given, x = 5 and l = 3
Using Poisson Distribution
Probability = [e-l(l)x]/x!
= [e-3(3)5]/5!
= 0.1008

Q. 19. In a bulb making factory, three machines A, B and C manufacture respectively 15, 35 and 50 percent of the total. Out of their total outputs 4, 5 and 3 percent are defective. A bulb is drawn from the produce at random and is found to be defective. What is the probability that it is manufactured by (i) factory A (ii) factory C? (Dec. 2002)

Solution. This problem is based on Bayes theorem.
Let A = an event that the output is defective
B1 = an event that bulb is manufactured by machine A
B2 = an event that bulb is manufactured by machine B
B3 = an event that bulb is manufactured by machine C

Therefore, P(B1) = 15/100, P(B2) = 35/100, P(B3) = 50/100
P(A | B1) = 4/100, P(A | B2) = 5/100, P(A | B3) = 3/100

P(B1) P(A | B1)
(i) P(B1 | A) =
P(B1) P(A | B1) + P(B2) P(A | B2) + P(B3) P(A | B3)

(15/100) X (4/100)
or P(B1 | A) =
[(15/100) X (4/100)] + [(35/100) X (5/100)] + [(50/100) X (3/100)]

or P(B1 | A) = 12/77

P(B3) P(A | B3)
(ii) P(B3 | A) =
P(B1) P(A | B1) + P(B2) P(A | B2) + P(B3) P(A | B3)

(50/100) X (3/100)
or P(B1 | A) =
[(15/100) X (4/100)] + [(35/100) X (5/100)] + [(50/100) X (3/100)]

or P(B3 | A) = 30/77

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