1. Character constant

A character constant is a character string enclosed in apostrophes (sometimes called "single quotes" when used this way).

2. Real constant

A string of digits and one period, used as a decimal point, is called a real constant. The following are real constants:
13.6       .1234567      3.0       00.30

Real constants are also written with an exponent (E). The letter "E" is read as "times ten to the power" and the integer following the "E" is a power of ten to be multiplied by the real number. This form, called the exponential notation, is useful for writing very large or very small numbers. For instance, 2.3E5 is 2.3 times ten to the power 5 or 2.3 X 100000 = 230000. The integer power may have a minus sign preceding it as in the real constant 2.3E-5, which is 2.3 times 10 to the power -5 or 2.3 X .00001 = .000023.

3. Integer constant

An integer constant is a string consisting only of the digits 0 to 9, such as the following:
24       0       1234567

Q. 13. Write which of the following FORTRAN constants are invalid:
(i) -3/4
(June 2002, June 2001)
(ii) 0.01540E05
(Dec. 2001)
(iii) -0.148E - 5
(Dec. 2001)
(iv) 125.8E
(Dec. 2001)
(v) 12.5E + 4
(June 2001)
(vi) 12345
(June 2001)
(vii) 25
(June 2001)
(viii) 30, 416
(Jan. 2001)
(ix) 1.2E14
(Jan. 2001)
(x) -1/2
(Jan. 2001)
(xi) 4E1.4
(June 2000, Dec. 99)
(xii) 97.52
(June 2000)
(xiii) 2, 489.70
(June 2000, Dec. 99)
(xiv) 1.6E128
(Dec. 99)

Ans. (i) Invalid constant because no fractions are allowed.
Ans. (ii) Valid real constant.
Ans. (iii) Valid real constant.
Ans. (iv) Invalid constant.
Ans. (v) Valid real constant.
Ans. (vi) Valid integer constant.
Ans. (vii) Valid integer constant.
Ans. (viii) Invalid constant as comma (,) is not allowed in any constant.
Ans. (ix)
Valid constant.
Ans. (x) Invalid constant because no fractions are allowed.
Ans. (xi) Invalid constant because exponent cannot be a real number.
Ans. (xii) Valid integer constant.
Ans. (xiii) Invalid constant because comma (,) is not allowed.
Ans. (xiv) Invalid constant because exponent is too large.

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