Dual Simplex Method Examples

In this section, we will use the dual simplex method. Let's see the following Linear Programming Problem (LPP).

example Example

Minimize z = 80x1 + 100x2

subject to

80x1 + 60x2 ≥ 1500
20x1 + 90x2 ≥ 1200

x1, x2 ≥ 0


Minimize z = 80x1 + 100x2

Multiplying the constraints by -1 on both sides
-80x1 - 60x2 ≤ -1500
-20x1 - 90x2 ≤ -1200

After adding slack variables, the constraints are
-80x1 - 60x2 + x3 = -1500
-20x1 - 90x2 + x4 = -1200

Where x3 and x4 are slack variables.

Initial basic feasible solution

Substituting x1 = 0, x2 = 0, z = 0

This gives the solution values as
x3 = -1500, x4 = -1200

The initial simplex table is exhibited below.

Table 1: Dual Simplex Method

On small screens, scroll horizontally to view full calculation

  cj 80 100 0 0  
cB Basic variables
x1 x2 x3 x4 Solution values
b (=XB)
0 x3 -80 -60 1 0 -1500
0 x4 -20 -90 0 1 -1200
zj-cj   -80 -100 0 0  

Key Row :
Min { XB1, XB2} = Min ( -1500, -1200) = -1500
So x3 row is the key row.

Key Column:


z1 - c1


z2 - c2





Min(1, 5/3) = 1
So column under x1 becomes the key column.
Pivot element = - 80.
Therefore, x3 departs & x1 enters.

Table 2

  cj 80 100 0 0  
cB Basic variables
x1 x2 x3 x4 Solution values
b (=XB)
80 x1 1 3/4 -1/80 0 75/4
0 x4 0 -75 -1/4 1 -825
zj-cj   0 -40 -80 0  

Key row = x4 row as it has the only negative value under the XB column.
Key column = x2 column.
Pivot element = -75.
x4 departs & x2 enters.

Table 3

Use Horizontal Scrollbar to View Full Table Calculation

  cj 80 100 0 0  
cB Basic variables
x1 x2 x3 x4 Solution values
b (=XB)
80 x1 1 0 -3/200 1/100 21/2
100 x2 0 1 1/300 -1/75 11
zj-cj   0 0 -13/15 -8/15  

The values for x1 & x2 are 21/2 & 11 respectively.
The associated objective function value is
z = 80 X 21/2 + 100 X 11 = 1940.

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