Feasibility Study
It is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of a project otherwise
months or years, & thousands or millions of dollars can be lost
if a bad system is developed.
Technical Feasibility
Alert messages can be send at any specified time to the customer
using services of: SMS, E-mail, & Pager. In case the message
is not delivered to the customer, the system will retry for specified
number of times after specified interval. The SMS message of 160
character can be sent.
Operational Feasibility
Our application will take information of transaction from Bank or
financial organization and notify the customer. It is an efficient
way to send sensitive/confidential information in a cost-effective
manner. The application depends on the information provided by the
Bank or financial organization, so it doesn't require any major
changes in organization structure and skills of the staff.
Economical Feasibility
It judges the ultimate income or benefits derived from the developed
product against the development cost. This product is economically
feasible because the development cost is feasible according to the
revenue/benefits generated after the implementation of the messaging
Cost Saving Benefits
The main objective of this product is to provide the customer with
the instant information in the most efficient and economical way.
The services used for the message transmission like SMS, Pager and
E-mail are far more efficient & economical as compared to conventional
postal departments or couriers. Thus it helps in reducing the overcall
Improved Service Level Benefits
This software helps in improving the service level. Our project
sends messages using SMS, E-mail, & Pager, which are highly
reliable, instant, and cost-effective.
Social Feasibility
The objective our project is to provide alert messages or correct
information at right time. Its social feasibility is very high with
only constraints that user should equip himself with new technology
of cell phones, pager and emails which are now available at low
Management Feasibility
The management is always interested in the system that can provide
more efficiency at a lower cost. Our system is made for organizations
that constantly want to keep their customers updated with the transaction
Time Feasibility
Will the project's time to market beat the competition?
Legal Feasibility
Legal feasibility is the determination of any infringement, violation,
or the liability that could result from the development of the system.
The Alert Messaging system is the integration and customization
of the services like SMS, paging, & e-mail that are already
being used in the business and are legally approved. Hence our system
is legally feasible.