Error detection and Correction codes.
Multiple Interrupts
Boolean Algebra Set of algebraic rules, named after mathematician George Boole, in which TRUE and FALSE are equated to 0 and 1.
Logic Gate In electronics, one of the basic components used in building integrated circuits.
of Logic Gates
Types of Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR
Combinational circuits These are interconnected circuits. It produces an output depending on its input.
Karnaugh Map It is a convenient way of representing and simplifying Boolean function of 4 to 6 variables.
Multiplexer It is a device that allows a transmission medium to carry a number of separate signals at the same time - enabling, for example, several telephone conversations to be carried by one telephone line, and radio signals to be transmitted in stereo.
Decoder In computing, an electronic circuit used to select one of several possible data pathways.
Sequential circuits These are logic circuits whose present output depends on the past inputs.
Types of sequential circuits - Synchronous and Asynchronous
FlipFlop It is a binary cell that can store a bit of information.
Types of flipflop - RS flipflop, D flipflop and J K flipflop
Bus Arbitration
Chip Organisation - 2D and 2 1/2D organisation.
Head Mechanism
High speed memories
Input/ Output techniques