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Using Timer Controls

To understand the Timer control, create a new project that displays the current time in a label control. Add a timer control and a label control to the form. The best way to place a timer control is to double click the timer control icon in the toolbox. The following figure shows a timer control and a label.

Set the following properties

Control Property Value





Timer Demo

Label Name lblTime
Label Caption Current Time
Timer Name tmrClock
Timer Enabled True
Timer Interval 1000

The source code needed for this example is stored in the
"Source Code\Chapter14\Current Time" directory. To open the project double click the "TimerDemo.vbp" file.

Private Sub tmrClock_Timer()
  lblTime.Caption = Time$
End Sub

The caption of the label control is updated once a second. The Time$ function returns a string value of the current time.

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