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Standard Toolbox Controls

In the previous section, we listed some common properties that most controls support. In this section, we will describe the most useful standard toolbox controls. By taking a brief tour of the controls and their properties, you'll better understand the purpose for the controls.

Play Sound Do not try to memorize all the properties for all the controls.

The Form

Form objects are the basic building blocks of a Visual Basic application. Many form properties correspond with other control properties that you learned in the previous section. However, the form is unique because that it does not reside on a form.

Play Sound The form's Left, Top, Width, & Height properties all correspond to the edge of the screen and not to a Form window.

Some more important properties of form:

  • BorderStyle: This property determines how the Form window responds to the user's efforts to resize it.
  • ControlBox: This property value of True or False determines whether the form's Control menu appears.

Play Sound A Control menu is the menu that appears when you click a window's icon in the upper-left corner of the window. The Control menu enables you to move, size, minimize, maximize, and close a window.
  • Icon: This property specifies an icon filename for the Windows taskbar icon that appears when the user minimizes the form.
  • MaxButton: This property determines whether the form contains an active Maximize window button.
  • MinButton: This property determines whether the form contains an active Minimize window button.
  • Movable: This property determines whether the user can move the form or if the form is to remain in its displayed location.
  • ShowInTaskbar: This property determines whether the open form appears on the user's Windows taskbar.
  • StartUpPosition: This property determines the starting position of the form on the screen.
  • WindowState: This property determines the size (normal, maximized, or minimized) of the form.

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