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The Data in VB

VB computing requires that you process several types of data. For example, you will work with names, addresses, numbers, logical data that may be true or false. VB supports many data types so that it can handle all your programming needs.

Like most programming languages, VB requires that before you work with a data value, you tell VB exactly what type of data the value is. VB supports 12 data types. In the following sections, we will discuss about these data types.

Numeric Data

Whole numbers without decimal points such as 15, 0, -33.


Numbers with decimal points that can represent fractional values suc as 8.098. Decimals are sometimes called floating point numbers.

Play Sound Integers are stored differently inside VB, and VB treats them differently even though people don't always treat them differently. For example, 5 is not the same as 5.0 to VB.

Numerica Data Types

The following table describes the seven data that VB supports.

Type Storage
Byte 1 byte
Integer 2 bytes
Long 4 bytes
Single 4 bytes
Double 8 bytes
Currency 8 bytes
Decimal 12 bytes

Play Sound A byte is one storage location in PC's memory.

If you know that a variable will always store whole numbers (such as 21) rather than numbers with a fractional amount (such as 5.57), declare it as an Integer or Long type. Operations are faster with integers, and these types consume less memory than other data types. If the variable contains a fraction, declare it as a Single, Double, or Currency variable.

The Remaining Data Types

The non numeric data types are easier to understand than some of the higher precision numeric data types.

Type Storage Range
String (fixed length) length of string 1 to 65,400 characters
String (variable) Length + 10 bytes 0 to 2 billion characters
Date 8 bytes Jan. 1, 100 to Dec., 9999
Boolean 2 bytes True or False
Object 4 bytes Any embedded object
Variant (numeric) 16 bytes Any value as large as double
Variant (text) Length plus 22 bytes Same a variable-length String

Play Sound A String is a series of Zero or more characters.

Play Sound Boolean data, named after the mathematician George Boole, represents data that can take only two values.


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