Ha Ha Ha

My father said to me, "Put your head in the oven for five minutes." I said, "Why should I do that?" He replied, "Because you've got too many half-baked ideas."



Two rich women were boasting about their wealth. One of them said, "My husband purchased a bed that belonged to the Maharaja of Patiala." "Oh really!" said the other one with disdain, "So you buy second furniture."

Chapter 2 The .EXE Solution

Using javaw.exe

Listing 2.2 Execute1.cpp (Complete code)

//The #include directive treats
//text in the file specified by
//filename as if it appeared in the
//current file.
#include <alloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdio.h>

//The #define directive defines a macro.
#define MAIN_CLASS "MyFrame.jar"
int main()

	//malloc() allocates a block of size
	//bytes from the memory heap. 
	char* cmdline = (char*)malloc(1024 );

	//sends formatted output to a string
	sprintf( cmdline, "javaw.exe -jar %s", MAIN_CLASS );

	//system() invokes the 
	//DOS command interpreter
	system( cmdline );

	//deallocate the memory
	free (cmdline);

	return 0;


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