Note: Attempt all questions which carry 20 marks each.
1. (a) Discuss the stages of the Technology Life Cycle.
(b) It has been said that every technology eventually reaches
a decline due to development of better technologies. Illustrate
your answer suitably.
(a) Information Technology brings about changes in products
and these have some major consequences" What are these
consequences? Explain with examples.
(b) What broad principles should be kept in view with regard
to planning for development of indigenous technological capabilities?
2. Discuss any two basic approaches to technology forecasting.
Discuss two methods for each of the suggested approaches.
(a) What factors should the licensor of technology look for
while hansferring his technology to the potential license?
(b) What are the various factors that are involved in the generation
of technology? Explain How can the progress of R&D projects
be monitored?
3. Explain the following perspectives with reference to Technology
(a) Adoptive Perspective;
(b) Infrastructure Perspective; and
(c) Regulatory/Societal Perspective
(a) Briefly summarize the Indian experience with regard to technology
absorption. Has it undergone any change over the past years?
(b) "The key words in Technology Assessment are neutrality,
unbiasedness and objective analysis on the part of the study
group." Comment and elaborate.
4. (a) Why are national and international linkages in the
field of technological cooperation important?
(b) Discuss some useful activities of the industry associations
or their agencies for the promotion of technology in India.
(a) Write a note on the Government's support for technological
upgradation and modernization in the small-scale sector.
(b) Describe the salient features of S&T policies in Japan.
5. Write notes on any three of the following:
(a) Technology Business Incubators (TBIs)
(b) Venture Capital and its role in technology financing
(c) National Informatics Centre (NIC)
(d) Role of R&D organization in an enterprise