MS 94 Technology Management Test Paper

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Note: Attempt all questions which carry 20 marks each.

1. (a) "R & D provides a window to development and enables the nation or a firm to evaluate external developments and react more quickly to them." Illustrate by indicating alternative objectives in the area of energy and materials technology.

2. What are some of the commitments and assurances that a technology policy is supposed to commit to the government?


(a) "A prerequisite for effective utilization of R & D resources is the development of technology infrastructure within the country." Give some examples of technology infrastructure that are necessary for developing technology capabilities.

(b) Discuss the Freeman's categorisation of technological change with examples.

2. Explain the Delphi technique. State its advantages and disadvantages.


What are the objectives of technology search strategy? Briefly explain various categories of payments for the technology.

3. Define technology absorption. What constraints in technology absorption have teen reported as far as Indian experience is concerned?


Describe the various stages in Technology Assessment and briefly explain each stage.

"An enterprise should be viewed as a Human Performance System." What would be the major components of such human performance system in the context of technology management? Explain.


Technology Information system. Explain the contents of Technology Information with suitable examples.

5. Explain any four of the following:

(a) Important inputs for enterprise level technology strategy
(b) General guidelines to be followed for transfer and absorption of imported technologies
(c) Indian industry and industrial research
(d) S & T manpower in India
(e) Venture Capital: Role and its growth in India
(f) Technology and Socio-economic planning

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